Create a discussion topic in D2L Brightspace

Discussion Boards

You can use discussions in your online course to encourage students to contribute to class conversations with their classmates.  You can set up discussion topics organized under forums for students to ask you questions about course materials, discuss course content and assignments, and work together in assigned groups.

Create a discussion topic

  1. From your course navigation bar, click Communication, and then select Discussions.
  2. Click on the New button, and then select New Topic.
    From the Discussions tool, the New button is displaying options to select New Forum or New Topic.
  3. Select a forum from the Forum menu.
    Note: To create a new forum, click the Create Forum link.
  4. Give your topic a Topic Title. Then enter the topic’s instructions in the Description field.
  5. Click Save and Close to make the topic available to your students.
    The New Discussion topic page with the title, forum, and description filled out as a sample

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Thu 5/30/24 10:40 AM
Tue 6/4/24 8:19 AM
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