Search10 Results

In my online classes, how can I quickly create a MediaSpace video and add it to my discussion post?
Where do I access my score and feedback for an assignment? My instructor left feedback on my submitted document – how do I access the feedback?
Where do I access my submitted quiz attempt? How do I view what quiz questions I got right or wrong? My instructor left feedback for quiz questions – how do I access it?
How do I read discussion posts and threads in D2L Brightspace? How do I start or reply to a discussion post? What does 'access restricted' or 'submission restricted' mean when I'm posting in Discussions?
How do I upload or submit to an assignment in my D2L Brightspace class?
How do I take and complete an attempt at a test, quiz, or exam in D2L Brightspace?
How do students and instructors login to the Minnesota State continuing education and continuing training D2L Brightspace site?
D2L has announced to customers that they will no longer send SMS (text) notifications from Brightspace beginning July 1, 2024. To continue receiving Brightspace course notifications on a mobile device, we recommend using the Brightspace Pulse mobile app, available on Android or iOS devices.  Alternatively, you may also configure notifications be sent to your email address.
Links to the privacy policies and accessibility statements for Minnesota State learning technologies.