If you have previously subscribed to SMS (text) notifications within D2L Brightspace, D2L has announced to customers that they will no longer send SMS (text) notifications from Brightspace beginning July 18, 2024.
To continue receiving Brightspace course notifications on a mobile device, we recommend using the Brightspace Pulse mobile app, available on Android or iOS devices. Alternatively, you may also configure notifications be sent to your email address.
Why the Change?
To protect their subscribers from receiving unwanted messages/spam, mobile phone service carriers (e.g. T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, etc.) have begun to regulate how business applications, like D2L's Brightspace, can send SMS (text) notifications on their network. To ensure reliable delivery of important notifications from Brightspace, D2L has announced its intent to "end of life" this service. You may continue to utilize push notification via their Pulse app or via email to receive notifications.