Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Computing hardware damage or issues, or request to purchase additional or replacement devices.

Assistance with Marketplace Accounts Payable processing questions.

Assistance with Marketplace contracting questions and JAGGAER Word App.

Assistance with Marketplace eSignature and eSignature application (DocuSign).

Assistance with Marketplace Spend Radar, Business Analytics, and other reports.

Assistance with shopping, requisition, and purchase order questions.

Assistance with creating and managing in Marketplace.

Assistance with Marketplace vendor questions.

Assistance with error messages or access issues, or request acquisition and installation of additional or new software applications or licenses. Create or modify licensing groups in AD and associate or remove users.

Physical and virtual phones, phone number assignments, phone features, voicemail, Voice over IP (VoIP), and other telecommunications services.

Assistance with system status, log in, Multi-Factor Authentication, enhancement requests, user setup, Marketplace roles, workflow, or other questions.

Assistance with procurement policy and procedures.

Assistance with supplier diversity questions.