Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request for access to user or separated user data. Please include approval from campus HR Director.

To add or remove a Shared Mailbox or Service Account, or see links below.

This service supports the core functionality of the Minnesota State API Portal. The API Portal is used by API testers and API consumers.

This service supports management and deployment of Minnesota State APIs. This service can be used to request adding/changing/removing a managed API. This service also covers general API Management platform support.

Request for assistance with M365 email.

Complete the SharePoint form for Mailbox for Room Resource.

Request for delivery status of an email message that has been sent (message trace).

Information regarding license purchases that need to be applied to the campus license config OR licensing issues, such as licenses not applied or licenses removed.

Adding or removing rules and/or restrictions, including bypass SPAM filter, MDE and ATP.

Questions or assistance setting up or using Multi-Factor Authentication.

Request a modification to Campus AD MIM and/or Office 365 provisioning rules.

Assistance with error messages or access issues, or request acquisition and installation of additional or new software applications or licenses. Create or modify licensing groups in AD and associate or remove users.