Search14 Results

Services or Offerings?
Report DDoS incident for mitigation.

The Security Administration application is a web-based application, available to all employees, that allows request and approval of security roles.

Need assistance with the Microsoft's multi-factor authentication service - reset, incident, etc.

Questions or assistance setting up or using Multi-Factor Authentication.

Includes data classification assistance, query/database performance, database security support, and more.

Request a risk assessment for 3rd party vendors, RFP, ESG, contracts, application security scans, internal systems.

Need assistance with policies, procedures, operating instructions, or PCI

Request for Statewide Employee Management System (SEMA4) access or SEMA4 password reset.

This request is used for any Role-Based changes to a Workday user or position.

Support for any Workday Security request or change.

This request is used for any User-Based changes to a Workday user or position.