Kaltura MediaSpace: Why do I get the message, Access Denied?

Why do I get the message, Access Denied?

You have a link to a video hosted on Kaltura MediaSpace.  You attempt to access the video and the message, Access Denied, is displayed.  

This occurs because the owner of the video has the video marked as Private.  Please inform the owner of the video that the video should be published as Unlisted or Public. Note that the owner of the video won't get the accessed denied message because they own the video.

Access Denied.  Sorry, you cannot access this page.  If the issue persists, please send the below information to customer care.

How the owner can set a video as unlisted in MediaSpace

  1. Log in to MediaSpace.
  2. From the personal drop-down menu, select My Media.
  3. Click on the video’s title to view it.
  4. Under the video, click the Actions menu.
  5. Click Publish from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the Unlisted radio button.
  7. Click Save
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Article ID: 35
Fri 11/17/23 3:29 PM
Wed 8/28/24 11:57 AM
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