My Recently Visited Services

Assistance with Marketplace Accounts Payable processing questions.

Physical and virtual phones, phone number assignments, phone features, voicemail, Voice over IP (VoIP), and other telecommunications services.

Create, change or delete security authorization for uAchieve (DARS) Client or password reset.

Assistance with error messages or access issues, or request acquisition and installation of additional or new software applications or licenses. Create or modify licensing groups in AD and associate or remove users.

Need assistance with Tripwire's IP360 - "IP360 password reset", scan changes, reporting, etc.

Assistance with shopping, requisition, and purchase order questions.

Requests to have an application configured/integrated with Azure AD (Single Sign On (SAML or OAuth)).

The Facilities Unit provides campus support for diverse and complex services relating to the buildings, land and overall environment of the 54 campuses, which includes planning, acquiring, disposing of, financing, constructing, and managing campus land and improvements

Wireless APs and LAN contollers, VLAN, Switch Port, switch and router hardware, ACL/port maintenance, ISE

Identify and articulate the need for change in processes and product, and to facilitate that change.

New reports, problem with or modification to existing report, data/knowledge questions, trouble accessing reports.

Submit a request for one of the following: Finance, Financial Aid, Script, Student, or other.

Printing issues, printer move, add a printer, or report issues with the Papercut print tracking software.

Defining problems and completing background research. Requirements are specified and a solution is chosen.

Help with managing content and analyzing traffic on the public website (Cascade CSM), SharePoint Connect sites, Marketing Dashboard, Inquiry on the Web, Institution Administrative Tool, and services under an existing SLA.

Supervisor Tools provides an administrator, manager or supervisor the ability to view and manage information about their current direct reports.

Assistance with procurement policy and procedures.

Database technologies.